HR Parish Bulletin November 19, 2023

“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.”

 -St Ambrose 

Sunday readings for November 19, 2023- Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:  Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5

Second Reading: 1 Thes 5:1-6

Gospel: Mt 25:14-30


Second Collection for Victims of the War in Israel and Palestine

 This Sunday, November 19, we will have a second collection for Catholic Relief Services to assist in humanitarian help for those suffering from the war in Israel and Palestine.

Social after Mass, November 19th

Please join us for the next social that will take place this Sunday after the English Mass at 12:30pm.  All are welcome to fellowship with one another while enjoying drinks and refreshments.

HR’s Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive

The school children are collecting non-perishable food for their annual Thanksgiving Canned Food Collection Drive to help those in need of food.  Please bring your donation and place them in the milk crates in back of the Church.

Thanksgiving Day Masses

 Come to give thanks to God for your blessings.  Our Thanksgiving day (Thursday, November 23)  Masses are:

            10 AM English

            11:15 AM Mandarin

Sight and Sound “I Heard the Bells”

Mark your calendars. Get into the Christmas Spirit on Saturday, December 16 at 4 PM with a potluck dinner followed by watching together the Sight and Sound Christmas program at the Teresa Hu Center cafeteria.

Holy Redeemer School Spotlight

The Open House last Tuesday, November 14th at 1:00 PM, was a successful event.  About a dozen families visited and one family submitted applications for their 3 children although the youngest is too young and we will refer them to our childcare/preschool partners.  Angela Vales was asked to give a presentation on tuition aid and it was very informative to the parents.

The presence of Holy Redeemer School at many events helped with the good turnout.  Holy Redeemer had a table at the Great Philly Schools Expo at the Convention Center, at the Night Market, at the SE Asian Market in FDR park, at the PCDC Expo, and so many others.  Thanks to the Marketing Committee for a job well done!

Tentative dates for Open Houses next year are February 19, March 14, and May 7.

The school is accepting anyone who is interested in attending Holy Redeemer School.  Call the school at 215-922-0999 or online

The school children are collecting non-perishable food for their annual Thanksgiving Canned Food Collection Drive to help those in need of food.  Please bring your donation and place them in the milk crates in back of the  Church.

The Thanksgiving schedule for the school is as follows: 11:30 early dismissal Wednesday November 22, no school Thursday and Friday November 23-24 for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

The October Peacemakers Awards were awarded after last Wednesday’s Mass to one student from each grade K-8.  These students exceeded the goals of the Peace Policy Tenets for good citizenship in the classroom and throughout the school (

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Spotlight

Why are we talking about peace in the Sahel? The Sahel is engulfed in a deadly spiral of violence that has claimed countless lives, uprooted millions from their homes, and shattered vital social services. In less than two years, the number of displaced persons has increased by 40%, recently reaching 2.5 million people in five west African nations in Sahel. Please visit for more information and to see how you can help!

“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help… If I say I am Christian, but do these things, I’m a hypocrite.” ~ Pope Francis

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