HR Parish Bulletin December 1, 2024

Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.”

– St. Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday readings for December 1, 2024- First Sunday of Advent

First Reading:  Jer 33:14-16

Responsorial Psalm:  Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14

Second Reading: 1 Thes 3:12-4:2

Gospel: Lk 21:25-28, 34-36


Nursing Home Christmas Gift Collection

This season of Advent, we will be collecting gifts to be given to nursing home residents.  Gifts will be passed out by our youth group on Christmas Eve during the Christmas caroling event.  Please bring unwrapped gifts by December 22nd to the back of church.

France Pilgrimage

At this point, 46 people have registered for the pilgrimage, including my brothers, Bill and Ray.  There is room for a few more people, though we have a full pilgrimage.  But if there are any Holy Redeemer people who still want to join, you can.   If you are still considering going, go to the web site of Select International (our Catholic travel agency) and sign up.  Or talk to Father Tom.

Hallow Advent Prayer Program

We begin Advent this week, a time of preparation for Christmas.  All are invited to join Hallow’s Advent daily prayer program.   You will receive a paper with a code that will take you to Hallow’s Advent program.   All are invited to spend the next four weeks growing in your love for God as you get ready for Christmas.

Christmas Movie Night at Holy Redeemer

Mark your calendars.  Join your Holy Redeemer family on Saturday, December 14 at 4 PM. We will begin with a pot luck dinner (you are invited to bring your favorite dish to share), followed by the Sight and Sound Movie, the Miracle of Christmas.

HR School’s Canned Goods Drive

The school is accepting canned and dried goods for the Thanksgiving drive to help the poor.  The deadline has been extended due to the short notice announced at Sunday Mass.  Goods received after Thanksgiving will be donated for the Christmas season.

Gospel of Luke Zoom Class: Begins December 4, 7-8:30pm

Last year, retired Villanova Scripture Professor Paul Danove, offered a weekly class on the Gospel of Mark. The class was well received.  This year, beginning December 4, he will teach the Gospel of Luke.  If you wish to receive zoom invitations each week to the class, email Father Tom

Holy Redeemer School Spotlight

Holy Redeemer School will have early dismissal on Friday, Dec. 8th.


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