Parish Bulletin June 2, 2024

“The Eucharist is truly a glimpse of heaven appearing on earth.”

 -St John Paul II

Sunday readings for June 2, 2024- The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

First Reading:  Ex 24:3-8

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18

Second Reading: Heb 9:11-15

Gospel: Mk 14:12-16, 22-26


Harry Jung’s 100th Birthday

Our dear friend and church member, Harry Jung, will turn 100 on June 1.  This Sunday, June 2, after the 11:15 Mass, we will have a surprise party with cake in the Teresa Hu cafeteria.  Remember it is a surprise.  Be sure to invite anyone who may want to honor Harry.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

On Sunday, June 23, we will have a brief prayer to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus after the 11:15 AM Mass.  We will gather in front of our Sacred Heart statue in the churchyard.  The Sacred Heart is a symbol of the love and mercy of Jesus.  Let’s entrust ourselves, our families and our church and school to Jesus.

Blue Bell Country Club

Our annual swim outing will be at the Blue Bell Country Club on Monday, July 8.  All are invited.  Food is free. If you use the bus, the cost is $8.  There will be flyers and registration forms in the back of the church.

Our 2024 High School graduates

On Sunday, July 14, after the 11:15 Mass, we will have a social to honor our Holy Redeemer high school graduates. We will congratulate them for your achievement and wish them well as they head off to college.   Please inform Father Tom of any 2024 high school graduates. We want to be sure that we include all of our graduates.

Summer Picnic

Holy Redeemer’s summer picnic will be on June 22 at Saint Charles Seminary.  There are flyers in the back of the church. Also there are sign up sheets for those who will bring food to share with everyone.

Holy Redeemer School Spotlight

8th Grade Graduation Dinner Monday June 3 at 4:00 PM

Fourteen 8th Graders will graduate on Wednesday June 5 at 5:00 PM.  Of these 14, 12 will go to Catholic or Magnet High Schools.  One will be attending Masterman, 1 Central, 4 Palumbo, 1 Friends Select, 2 Roman Catholic, 2 Neumann-Goretti and 1 Mercy Vocational.  These 8th graders qualified for over $210,000 in scholarships.

Kindergarten Graduation Wednesday June 5 at 10:00 AM

Last day of school is Friday, June 14.




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