Parish Bulletin January 21, 2024

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.”

 -St. Gianna Molla

Sunday readings for January 21, 2024- Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

First Reading:  Jon 3:1-5, 10

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

Second Reading: 1 Cor 7:29-31

Gospel: Mk 1:14-20


Youth Group Food Sale- Sunday January 28th

Our youth group will hold a food sale after all Masses on Sunday, January 28 to raise money for Catholic Relief Services.  Please support this event.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday (February 14, Valentine’s Day this year) is the biggest day of the year at Saint John’s.  Thousands of people will come for ashes, confessions, prayer on that day.  We need help!!  We need ushers, ashers, organizers.  If you can help for one hour or more, please let Father Tom know.

HR’s Multi Wedding Ceremony

The Multi-Wedding ceremony has been posted on the church website with a video, photos, and link to the CatholicPhilly news article.  Click here to view —>

Collection Envelopes

Pre-dated collection envelopes for people and families are available for 2024 in the back of the church or call Ms. Leung to get yours.  Contact her if you want to be added to the list of families receiving the envelopes or if you want to be removed from the list of recipients (there is a cost of providing these).

Mark your calendars for the Annual Mass for Firefighters

On February 16, 1899, Saint John Church burned.  Four firefighters lost their lives fighting that fire.  We remember those four men and all firefighters who lost their lives defending the lives and property of others and we pray for the safety of all firefighters.  Please join us for our annual Mass for Firefighters on Saturday February 17 at 10 AM. 

Holy Redeemer Open House

Please ask your friends and relatives who have school age to consider Holy Redeemer School.  Our next open house will be Monday, February 19 from 1-2 PM.

Lenten Recollection Day

If you are looking for something to do for Lent, consider attending the Archdiocesan Recollection Day on Saturday, February 24 from 9 AM -3 PM at Saint James the Great Parish, Elkins Park.  This event is sponsored by the office for Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees. Ask Father Tom or Ursula for details.

Holy Redeemer School Spotlight

Updates for snow or delays are being posted when possible on the school website as well as the greeting voicemail greeting message.

Catholic Schools Week is January 29 – February 2.  Student Appreciation Day is Feb 1; Teacher Appreciation Day is Feb 2 with early dismissal.

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