Please see priest before or after mass.
- RCIA (baptism preparation classes) 主日慕道班
- Mandarin Bible Study on Sundays 主日普通話聖經研習班
- Cantonese Bible Study on Sundays 主日廣東話聖經研習班
- Cantonese Choir practice on Sundays 主日廣東話詩歌班練唱
- Please contact Ms. Leung for details. 請詢問梁老師
- Immaculate Conception Mass, Friday 12/8This Friday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is a holy day of obligation. Please join us for Mass at Holy Redeemer at 6pm (English).
- Holy Redeemer School Spotlight 12/3/23The children from Grades 4 to 8 beautifully sang the hymns on Tuesday, November 28, at the funeral Mass for the mother-in-law of our 1st Grade Teacher (Kristen Fiordimondo) . For the feast of the Immaculate Conception, there is no school on Thursday and Friday, Dec 7 & 8. The Thanksgiving schedule for the school is as ...
- Meeting with Councilman Mark Squilla regarding proposed 76ers arenaAll are invited to a meeting with Councilman Squilla on December 17 at 2 PM at the Mother Bethel AME Church at 419 South 6th Street to talk dialogue about the proposal to place a basketball arena on Market Street at the border of Chinatown.
- PHL Inquirer Article about our ChinatownPlease click this link to read about the history of PHL’s Chinatown including Holy Redeemer and those who took part in making sure our church remained in this community.
- HR’s Youth Group Ice SkatingAny youth ages 12-17 are invited to go ice skating at City Hall on Sunday December 17th at 2pm. If you would like to sign up, please reply to this email by December 14th so a ticket can be reserved.
- HR Parish Bulletin March 30, 2025“There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.” -St. Augustine Sunday readings ...
- HR Parish Bulletin 3/23/25“Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.” -St. Francis de Sales Sunday ...
- HR Parish Bulletin December 1, 2024Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.” ...
- HR Parish Bulletin November 24, 2024Think well. Speak well. Do well. These three things, through the mercy of God, will ...
- HR Parish Bulletin November 17, 2024May the perfect grace and eternal love of Christ our Lord be our never-failing protection ...
Heritage Mass 2024
Heritage Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, PA on March 16, 2024
Youth Group Community Service
Holy Redeemer Youth group making sandwiches for St. John’s Hospice.
Chinese New Year Ceremonies on Feb 11 2024.
https://youtu.be/JW_L-6jdiKE For Sunday February 11, 2024, Holy Redeemer had a single Mass at 11:15 to get together the entire congregation to celebrate […]
Who We Are 簡介和背景
A Chinese Catholic church and school in Chinatown and Philadelphia Center City.
Provides ministry to all the Chinese Catholics in the vicinity of the Greater Delaware Valley in the East Coast of America.
"Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32
We the faithful of the Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church, in union with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia and all Chinese Catholics throughout the world, proclaim to everyone the Good News that Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd and Redeemer of the World, who offers to all who follow Him the light of Life.
Sharing a common ethnic bond and baptized into Christ Jesus, we desire to bring His Light to all by proclaiming the Gospel through our words and actions. We are especially challenged to meet the spiritual needs of Chinese American and immigrants of Chinese ethnic descent. Holy Redeemer is a center of evangelization and worship serving the needs of the Delaware Valley Chinese community. We therefore commit ourselves to:
- celebrate the Mass, the other Sacraments, and spiritual devotions in English and Chinese so that all Chinese may experience greater understanding, conversion and personal witness to Christ.
- imitate the love of Jesus Christ through service to the Chinese American community, especially to immigrants.
- form fraternal bonds with other Chinese Christians and Asian American organizations.
- provide quality elementary school education that proclaims the Good News to our youth and their families.
- promote spiritual, social and recreational activities for Chinese American youths that foster community service, evangelization and Christian faith.
- act as Christian role models particularly in our community.
- foster and promote Chinese ethnic pride within our church and school through programs that teach and preserve Chinese culture.
- promote leadership from within the Chinese Catholic community and encourage vocations to the ordained ministry and religious life.
- provide resources necessary to carry out our mission.
We pray to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary "Our Lady, Queen of China" and through St. Joseph and the Blessed Chinese Martyrs. May Jesus, the Good Shepherd, guide us in our earthly journey and to our heavenly home.
仿效耶穌基督的愛,為華人社區 --- 特別是給移民們提供服務。
In 1939 Bishop Paul Yu Pin, (later Cardinal Yu Pin) then vicar of Nanking, China, came to Philadelphia and asked Dennis Cardinal Dougherty to gather the Chinese Catholics so that he could visit them. The Bishops were dismayed to find that there was only one Chinese Catholic family in Chinatown and a few scattered Catholics in the city.
Cardinal Dougherty appointed Father William A. Kavanagh, vice chancellor of the Archdiocese, to found a new mission in the Chinese community. Father Kavanagh gathered a group of 15 Chinese together at Benedict Hall and taught them how to make the sign of the cross. Father Kavanagh proved himself to be a tireless worker for the Chinese community and a dear friend to all, especially the children.
In October of 1939 the first 9 Chinese were baptized. By Pentecost Sunday of 1940 there were 58 converts ready for the sacrament of confirmation. The mission among the Chinese was so successful that Cardinal Dougherty used the money raised from his own jubilee along with the gifts of generous benefactors to build Holy Redeemer Church and School. On October 5, 1941 the new facility was dedicated, the first church built for the Chinese in the western hemisphere.
Holy Redeemer school was staffed by Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity until 1992. These Sisters generously taught generations of Philadelphia's Chinese community. In recent years, Capuchin Friars from St. John the Evangelist Church have provided priestly service since 1991.
Over the past four decades the Catholics from Philadelphia have been joined by new immigrants, Catholics from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam. Mass is now offered every week in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. More than 225 people attend weekly Mass. There are currently about 150 children attending Holy Redeemer School In addition, more than 50 children attend Sunday religious instruction. Holy Redeemer offers other services to the community, including medical care, programs for neighborhood children and the community playground.