HR Sunday School Program 2024-2025

Holy Redeemer Sunday school 2024-2025 registration is now open. Children K to 10th grade are welcome.  First day of School will be 9/15/2024. Lessons will held every Sunday 12:20-1:20, except Holy days and special events. We also offer 1st Holy Communion class and Confirmation class. Registration forms are available at the back of church. Previous students need not do the registration. Parents will receive student placement information of upcoming school year by text or email.

Please submit the forms to Mrs. Emily Man, Fr Tom or Vice principle Ms. Linda Leung.  Or text Mrs. Emily Man at 609-613-2300 for detail.

主日學通告:聖恩堂主日學 2024-2025 年註冊開始。 歡迎幼稚園至十年級的兒童。 開學日是2024 9 15 日,星期日 課程將於每週日 12:20-1:20 舉行,聖日及特殊活動除外。 我們也提供初領聖體課程和堅振聖事禮課程。

登記表可在教堂後面取得。往屆學生無需註冊。家長將透過簡訊或電子郵件收到本學年的學生班次資訊  請將表格遞交紿文太太,湯神父或梁副校長。

亦可用下面電話發簡訊給      文太太       了解詳情:609-613-2300

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