HR Parish Bulletin July 21 2024

“Charity is that with which no man is lost, and without which no man is saved.”

 -St Robert Bellarmine


Sunday readings for July 21, 2024- Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:  Jer 23:1-6

Responsorial Psalm:  Ps 23:1-6

Second Reading: Eph 2:13-18

Gospel: Mk 6:30-34


Pilgrimage 2025

Father Tom is thinking of leading a pilgrimage in Spring 2025.  There are a number of options.  Father Tom will choose which pilgrimage to offer, but if you would like to hear about the various possibilities and give your opinion or insights, you are welcome to attend a zoom meeting on Wednesday, August 7 at 7 PM.   A zoom invitation will be sent nearer to the date.

Chinatown Summer Festival

Chinatown Summer Festival is happening tomorrow July 20th from 1-7pm.  See the link for more information:

Youth Group Pilgrimage to DC- July 27th

On Saturday July 27th, all youth group members (ages 12 and up) are invited to attend a pilgrimage to DC with Father Tom. The group will leave in the morning from Holy Redeemer around 8:30am and return in the evening between 7-8pm.  Chaperones are welcomed but will need clearances.  If your youth is interested in joining and/or if you have any questions, please talk to Fr Tom or respond to this email.



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