HR Parish Bulletin July 7, 2024

“Ad maioren Dei gloriam- All for the greater glory of God.”

 -St Ignatius of Loyola

Sunday readings for July 7, 2024- Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:  Ez 2:2-5

Responsorial Psalm:  Ps 123:1-4

Second Reading: 2 Cor 12:7-10

Gospel: Mk 6:1-6


Youth Group Pilgrimage to DC- July 27th

On Saturday July 27th, all youth group members (ages 12 and up) are invited to attend a pilgrimage to DC with Father Tom. The group will leave in the morning around 8:30am and return in the evening between 7-8pm.  Transportation will be determined once number of youth is confirmed.  Chaperones are welcomed but will need clearances.  If your youth is interested in joining and/or if you have any questions, please talk to Fr Tom or respond to this email.

T Shirt Fundraiser for Andy Chan

Thank you for your generosity in donating gifts to be raffled off at the last Fundraiser event to help raise funds to support the CHANPions bike team riding in the Ben to the Shore Bike Tour in honor of Andy Chan to benefit the Families Behind the Badge Children’s Foundation.


If interested in purchasing AndyChanStrong black, short sleeve shirts please click into the link below to complete the shirt order form and then send Venmo payment to @AndyChanStrong. Please place orders by 7/17/24.  Confirmation will be sent in Venmo comments.  An announcement will be made to pick up shirts in the HR cafeteria at a later date.

T shirt link

Blue Bell Country Club

Our annual swim outing will be at the Blue Bell Country Club on Monday, July 8.  All are invited.  Food is free. If you use the bus, the cost is $8.  There will be flyers and registration forms in the back of the church.

Our 2024 High School graduates

On Sunday, July 14, after the 11:15 Mass, we will have a social to honor our Holy Redeemer high school graduates. We will congratulate them for your achievement and wish them well as they head off to college.   Please inform Father Tom of any 2024 high school graduates. We want to be sure that we include all of our graduates.



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