華埠天主教會Holy Redeemer 給二十對華人夫婦舉行婚禮
在2024年1月1日元旦,有20對新人在費城聖恩堂,即Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church,舉行了一場難忘的婚禮。對於其中一些人來說,這是他們人生中的初婚體驗。然而,大多數夫婦在中國已經舉辦過民事婚禮,只是尚未在天主教聖堂慶祝他們的婚禮並領受婚配聖事。當日教堂內擠滿了新人、他們的家人、朋友和教友。新人隊伍由擔任花童和戒童的兒童帶領,後面是20對身穿白色婚紗的新娘和穿著深色西裝的新郎,隆重而喜悅地進場。婚禮由聖恩堂(Holy Redeemer)的中國神父金磊神父(Fr. Joseph Jin)和本堂神父湯神父(Fr. Tom Betz)共同主持。婚禮在天主教彌撒的禮儀下舉行,所有夫婦在天主的聖殿裡承諾了他們的生命和愛,並請求天主保佑他們的未來。婚禮結束後,新人和他們的親友在東方明珠大酒樓共享了一場豐盛的婚宴,為這特別的一天留下美好的回憶。
Multiple couples were married on January 1, 2024 at Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church in Philadelphia. They were receiving the sacrament of Matrimony as they were not allowed this sacrament in China. They were only allowed civil marriages. Twenty couples celebrated this momentous day in wedding outfits preceded by multiple flower girls and ring-bearers many of whom were their children.
The ceremonial Mass was presided by Fr. Tom Betz, Fr. Joseph Jin, and Deacon David.
This occasion was reported by a CatholicPhilly news person in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's online newspaper. Here is the link to the article. It has more details about the background and the ceremony.
Denied Sacrament in China, 20 Catholic Couples Wed at Holy Redeemer Church