HR Parish Bulletin December 24, 2023

“A God who became so small could only be mercy and love.”

 -St. Therese of Lisieux

Sunday readings for December 24, 2023- Fourth Sunday of Advent

First Reading:  2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29

Second Reading: Rom 16:25-27

Gospel: Lk 1:26-38


Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule

Sunday, December 24, Christmas Eve:  5 PM Christmas Mass (bilingual)

Monday, December 25, Christmas Day: 9 AM (English), 11:15 (Chinese)

Sunday, December 31: Our usual Sunday Mass schedule (three Masses): 10, 11:15. 12:30

Monday, January 1: 10 AM (English), 11:15 (Mandarin)

Bible Study: Gospel of Mark

Saint John the Evangelist Parishioner, Paul Danove is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at Villanova University.  He will offer an in depth study of the Gospel of Mark by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM from December 6-March 27.   The class already began this week, but you can view the recording of the first class.  If you wish to receive Zoom invitations to the class and the recordings, please email Fr. Tom at

Holy Redeemer School Spotlight

The students performed their Christmas Pageant last Wednesday to a full house in the gym.  It was the re-enactment of the Christmas story including the story of John the Baptist birth, songs by the choir, and chimes played by the 7th & 8th graders.

Fr. Tom took a group of students to the Archdiocese Christmas party wherein the children got to meet Santa Clause and received nice gifts.

School is closed for the Christmas holidays and is scheduled to resume Tuesday, January 3.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Spotlight

Climate change adaptation programming is cost-effective. In 5 Central American countries, more than 40,000 farmers have learned to protect their soil, to plant cover crops to build soil fertility, to apply the right fertilizer, and to capture rainwater to boost crop yields. Visit for more information and to see how you can help!

“The destruction of the environment is an offence against God, a sin that is not only personal but also structural, one that greatly endangers all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our midst and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations… Climate change is a global social issue and one intimately related to the dignity of human life… Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death? To all of you I make this heartfelt appeal: Let us choose life! Let us choose the future! May we be attentive to the cry of the earth, may we hear the plea of the poor, may we be sensitive to the hopes of the young and the dreams of children! We have a grave responsibility: to ensure that they not be denied their future.” ~ Pope Francis

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